Once again, invest all the money of all three characters, but this time choose Bilkinton Research. Be advised - after about 24 in-game hours, the value of the stock will start to drop. Post-mission Wait for a few in-game hours or sleep once before selling the stocks so that they can reach their maximum value the percentage of return here is ~50%. Invest all the money of all three protagonists in Betta Pharmaceuticals stocks on the Bawsaq site. (Trevor can sleep for 12 hours) Make real sure the game is saved right here, so if something goes wrong you can recover. Just before starting: Make sure it's Monday, if not, keep sleeping with any of the protagonists numerous times to advance the time to Monday. Lastly, here's my strat for the Hotel Assassination. You can have Trevor do chain sleeps (12 hrs each) to burn time, getting the 22 weeks. Make sure it's been 22 weeks and you have done 22 air missions as Trevor, so Smoke and Mckenzie are paid off. Got all that done? There's also random robberies and atm muggings, I'm leaving them out as they don't amount to much.Īt this point, you are almost ready to do the hotel assassination. (sell and reinvest when needed) Security vans: $random but a lot. Gray's bike theft, $100k in Animal Ark stock. (Braddock farms north of Grapeseed)Īs anyone: Sonar Collections dock, collect all nuclear waste for $690k. Drug shootout, Tuesday daytime only, at least $60k. Do Maude's bail bond missions for another $40k. Do NOT do the hotel assassination, there is a lot of work remaining.Īs Michael: Run the Epsilon story line, yielding about $2 million.Īs Trevor: Run the Altruist Camp story line, yielding about $100k. Run through the story past the Merriweather Heist and Blitz Play. You'll also have Trevor buy Mckenzie Field, that pays for itself in 22 air missions or 30 ground missions. Immediately have Franklin buy Smoke on the Water for $250k. That should yield $1,223,073 for Michael and $293,530 for Franklin. Pick smart version, driver Karim Denz, gunman Packie McReary, hacker Rickie Lukens. Some are character specific, some can be done by anyone. Then, there are quite a few good missions to do before the hotel assassination. And, try not to get wasted, that burns cash. Get gold on all shooting range challenges, each character, for the 25% AmmuNation discount. Keep the endgame in mind - if you plan on killing off Trevor or Michael, use the other two characters for all optional pickups.įirst, cut expenses. After all, +80% of 500k is a lot more than +80% of 5k, so it's important to do as much as possible before the hotel assassination. They are all very informative, but there's one thing missing: How to get money BEFORE them. There have been quite a few guides to the assassination missions, how to do them, what stocks to buy.